Hand-Compression Lubricating Pump for Machinery Lubrication System

Pump Manual – Pump Series , Oil Distribution Systems


HP-5R/LHand-Compression Lubricating Pump Manual Thin Oil Lubricating Pump (Piston Pump)


Hand pump handle to press for oil absorption process handle reset for discharge process. Suitable for supply 1-2 week Several times, usually used for various Lathe Machine, Pressure Machine, Grinder Machine, Complex Machine, special machine and etc.

The pump is a piston pump. When the handle is pressed down, the oil is sucked into piston cavity. When the handle is recovered, with the function of the spring force, oil in the piston pipe is drained. The pump can form a centralized lubricating system by combining with the resistant distributor, and is applicable for lubricating with length of 15m, height of 3m and with 15 lubricating points.

Ordering Code

HP 5 L 6
Oil outlet direction Oil Outlet pipe diameter
3-5 mL/cy L:Left hand pressurization 4:Connected to Ф4 pipe
R:Right hand pressurization 6:Connected to Ф6 pipe


Manual Lubrication Pump

Models and
Maximum output
Outlet oil
pipe diameter
Handle form Oil tank volume
HP-5L 0.4 3-5
(adjustable oil)
Φ 4 or Φ 6 Left hand pressurization 500 0.7
HP-5R Right hand pressurization

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