Двойной квадратный адаптер

Double Square adapters are typicaly used for the reducion of the internal square or double square of pneumatic actuators or electric actuators

Ferrule double square adapter star reduction for pneumatic actuator valve

Double Square adapters are typicaly used for the reducion of the internal square or double square of pneumatic actuators or electric actuators.Install square adapters over the square stem on ball valves, butterfly valves or other type valves to increase the size. insert into the output drive of air or electric actuators to reduce the output size.

Standard Specifications

Standards: Adapters conform to lS0 5211 for square drives in actuators and on valves.

Material: lron

Standard Specifications of Double Square Adapter

Part Numbers A B Ref in MM Part Numbers A B Ref in MM
20-0020-11×9 11 9 11×9 20-0020-27×17 27 17 22×17
20-0020-14×9 14 9 14×9 20-0020-27×19 27 19 27×19
20-0020-14×11 14 11 14×11 20-0020-27×22 27 22 27×22
20-0020-17×11 17 11 17×11 20-0020-36×19 36 19 36×19
20-0020-17×14 17 14 17×14 20-0020-36×22 36 22 36×22
20-0020-19×11 19 11 19×11 20-0020-36×27 36 27 36×27
20-0020-19×14 19 14 19×14 20-0020-46×27 46 27 46×27
20-0020-19×17 19 17 19×17 20-0020-46×36 46 36 46×36
20-0020-22×14 22 14 22×14 20-0020-55×27 55 27 55×27
20-0020-22×17 22 17 22×17 20-0020-55×36 55 36 55×36
20-0020-22×19 22 19 22×19 20-0020-55×46 55 46 55×46

Note: all dimensions are in MM.Reference: 10MM = 0.393″

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Star-Square Actuator Adaptor



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